So, what is the number one drug used by teens? I’ll tell you in a second. Let me first give you some information on prescription drugs. They are extremely powerful drugs that are given to people who need to deal with pain but cannot get any other medicine prescribed to them because of their severe pain. Some of these drugs include Oxycodone, Demerol, Fraxel, and Codeine.
When you think of drugs that are commonly used by teens today, probably two or three things come to mind. If you do not know already, most teens nowadays use prescription drugs to get high instead of pot, cocaine, heroin, alcohol, and cigarettes. When you figure out what the number one drug used by teens is, you might be surprised.
It’s funny how this question was asked. Most of us just assume that what is the number one drug that teens use is drugs like marijuana, alcohol, and cigarettes. In fact, most teens will take at least two drugs. Some teens will take more than that. Sometimes they will just take one or two and for other drugs they might not even try it. But they most definitely will use at least one or two prescription drugs a day.
The reason why prescription drugs are number one is that many teens have gotten addicted to these drugs and want them more than anything else. This means that they will get behind the wheel of your car and drive until they get high, overdose, or pass out. That is what is called an addiction. Many teens who are addicted to prescription drugs do not realize that they have a problem until it is way too late.
What does this have to do with alcohol? Did you know that when teens get drunk, they turn to drugs to calm down? It has been proven time again that if a person has been drinking, they will most likely be taking some kind of drug. Teens turn to alcohol, marijuana, cocaine, heroin, and methadone to get a high. In fact, it is so common for teens to do drugs that it is listed as the fifth most popular drug in America.
In order for us to curb this epidemic, we must teach our children early on that drugs are wrong and harmful. We must also equip them with the tools necessary to avoid getting hooked and using these substances. We cannot fight what is the number one drug used by teens in this country alone. We need all the help we can get.
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